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David Seth Cohen says after the film's release, he will continue to work on other films, both in front and behind thecamera. Following the footsteps of his idol, he would love to star in and produce his own films and direct others that are "close to his heart." But with Finding Sandler, the story is a very personal one. By recording his pursuit of a dream, he is attempting to connect with the audience in a very intimate way. He hopes it will inspire many to cultivate their own passions and dreams, regardless of what those may be. The film challenges them to ask, “If Dave could do it, why can’t I?” "Direct films you like, star in some things you produce and see where you go from there. Better less than too much" is his example to them.
Surely, this laudable end is something even Adam Sandler would be happy to drink to. If not, he is no happy Gilmore, just a Big Baby.

A Special Message from David Seth Cohen:
I would like to give a few shout-outs to the people who have helped me get through this Kickstarter campaign:
To Bobby Sheehan and everyone at Working Pictures who convinced me to do the campaign in the first place and who worked overtime with me on the videos for Kickstarter.
To Jeff Waxman for introducing me to Bobby and for his guidance and support since the inception of Finding Sandler.
To Christina Weber (the feminine weapon) for all the hard work she put in to help me and the film out this last month. Without her, I'd be in a corner somewhere hiding and might not have ever come out.
To all of the guys in Finding Sandler (Dan Hagendorn, Vincent Strynkowski, Steve Hagendorn, Matt Walters, Guy Morgan, Tony Grazia) who've taken the long 6 year journey with me and continue to be right by my side to this day.
To my family and friends for all their love and support throughout the campaign.
To all the people who donated to get us the funds we need to make this great little film and finally last but not least - to the angel who came down from heaven when the campaign felt like it was going to fall flat and made the donation that brought new life to Finding Sandler and inspired others to jump on board to help us out - Henry Kang.
And to all those who have contributed in Kickstarter, thank you for joining our team. To those who have not as yet, there’s still time left. Please consider being a part of this journey.